Sunday, April 19, 2009

Heath Bell agrees...

Heath Bell expressed frustration with ESPN and their blatantly biased reporting, and stated that he preferred the MLB coverage at the MLB Network. From Nick Canepa's column at the San Diego Union Tribune:

"I saw ESPN's promo for tonight's game. They mentioned the Mets are opening at Citi Field, they mentioned the starting time, but nowhere did they mention the Padres. That gave me the (expletive).

I truly believe ESPN only cares about promoting the Red Sox and Yankees and Mets – and nobody else. That's why I like the MLB Network, because they promote everybody. I'm really turned off by ESPN and 'Baseball Tonight.' When Jake Peavy threw 8 1/3 innings on Saturday, they showed one pitch in the third inning and that was it. It's all about the Red Sox, Yankees and Mets."

Link to the article:

Thank you Heath! For the record, this blog whole-heartedly endorses Heath's comments AND the MLB Network (Seriously, I haven't changed the channel from MLBTV HD since the station began airing programming on 1/1/09).

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